Scientific Program

The scientific program is constantly updated. Please visit this page frequently to check the updated schedule.

Preliminary Program

27 March 2025

08h00-09h00: Registration

09h00-09h30: Opening ceremony

09h30-10h15: Plenary lecture: Dr. Tatsuichiro Shima (Japan)

10h15-11h40: Session: New horizons for beneficial microbes in human health

                           Dr. Clenio Pillon (Brazil) EMBRAPA

                           Prof. Vasco Azevedo (Brazil)

                           Prof. Alexander N Suvorov (Russia)

11h40-12h00: Session: Industrial collaborations. Time for the sponsors

12h00-13h30: Lunch

13h30-14h30: Session: Beneficial qualities beyond probiotics

                           Prof. Svetoslav Todorov (Brazil)

                           Prof. Ana Lúcia Barretto Penna (Brazil)

                          Prof. Santosh Kumar Tiwari (India)

14h30-15h00: Session: Future of the Science: Students talks

                           Selected students’ presentations

15h00-16h30: Coffee and poster session

16h30-18h00: Session: Regulatory and Taxonomy, an updates

                           Prof. Bruno Pot (The Netherlands)

                           Dr. Marcello Bonnet (Brazil)

                           Prof. Celia Ferreira (Brazil)

                           Will be announced, ILSI 

28 March 2025

08h00-09h00: Registration

09h00-09h45: Plenary lecture: Dr. Kana Yahagi (Japan)

09h45-11h10: Session: Can Beneficial Microbes Boost Your Performance, Mood, and Cosmic Adventure?

                           Prof. Adriane Elisabete Antunes de Moraes (Brazil)

                           Prof. Ilyin Viacheslav Konstantinovich (Russia)

                           Prof. Gislane Lelis Vilela de Oliveira (Brazil)

11h10-11h40: Session: New Generation in the Science: Students talks

                           Selected students’ presentations

11h40-12h00: Session: Industrial collaborations. Time for the sponsors

12h00-13h30: Lunch

13h30-15h00: Session: Probiotics: How They Work and What They Do

                           Prof. Wilhelm Holzapfel, Handong (South Korea)

                           Prof. Nadiya Boyko (Ukraine) 

                           Prof. Andre Bachi (Brazil)

                           Prof. Mauro Walter Vaisberg (Brazil)

15h00-16h30: Coffee and poster session

16h30-17h30: Session: The Power of Probiotics: How Microbes Can Enhance Animal Nutrition and Performance

                           Prof. Michael Leonidas Chikindas (USA)

                           Prof. Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar (Iran)

                           Will be announced (interactions science – industry)

17h30-18h00 Award and closing ceremony