The poster must be assembled according to the schedule, which will be prepared by the scientific coordinator of the event, and the presenter must be present during the established period.
The poster may be prepared in English.
The organizers will define the schedule for the presentation of the posters, as well as the day and time when they must be set, with official communication to those responsible for the submission.
The poster presentation sessions will be held on March 27 and 28, according to the information contained in the acceptance letter.
If the presenter is not present, the Scientific Committee will be authorized to provide certificates.
The maximum size of the poster will be A0 with measurements of 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm.
Poster model:
The event does not determine a single model for the preparation of the poster.
The poster must present:
a) title;
b) author(s);
c) introduction;
d) material and methods;
e) results and conclusions;
f) bibliographical references.
The presenter is solely responsible for the safety and possible damage to the poster. The Poster Evaluation Committee and the Congress Secretariat are not responsible for posters not removed from the panels after the end of the exhibition.
Register for the event!
Check the information about fees, categories, and how to register.